Position Manager

The Oku Position Manager enables LPs to create Uniswap v3 positions, claim fees, edit positions, close positions, and run backtests in one smooth interface. Users can access the Position Manager on any of the integrated chains.

Creating a Position

After selecting your preferred pool and fee tier on the top left of the page - select the range for your position. This can be done in one of three ways:

  1. Use your mouse to draw the range on the graph.

  2. Use the range dropdown to select your liquidity concentration around the current price. The options are 0.1%, 1%, 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%.

  3. Enter your max price and min price manually in the input tabs.

You can then enter the desired amount of Token0 or Token1, and the other will autofill based on your range and the current pool price.

You're now ready to deploy your position!

Claiming Fees

On the Oku interface, you can claim fees by clicking the dots buttons on the right of your position and then clicking "Claim Fees."

The fees available for claiming are highlighted in green under "Fees".

Editing Positions

Editing positions is also done by clicking the three dots to the right of a position and selecting "Edit Position." You can then enter the amount you'd like to increase or decrease the size of your position by.

Closing Positions

Closing positions is done by clicking the "Close Position" option after the three dots on the right of your position.

Running Backtests

The Oku Position Manager allows users to backtest their positions, providing a retroactive view of their performance.

For example, Running a 30-day backtest will assume your position was placed 30 days ago, and display your annualized APR, PNL, and fees in both of the provided assets,

You can try out this feature by entering all your position info, clicking either 7, 30, or 90 days, then running the test.

Instructional Video

Last updated